Python Intermediate Level Project
Heading 2
Grace Cai
13 years old ( Boston )
2019 World Ice Skate TOI Champion

Python student Projects

9 Years old ( Seattle )

10 Years old (Beijing )
10 Years old ( Nanjing, China )

8 Years old ( Boston )
Grace Cai, 2019 World Ice Skate TOI Champion
13 years old ( Botson)
( 14 years old (NewYork)
Hoop Group Basketball Player, NBA Candidate
Python student Projects

10 Years old ( Singapore )

10 Years old ( Beijing )
8 years old ( Singapore )

8 years old ( Singapore )

10 Years old ( Singapore )

Who are our students ?
Smart Kids Coding Class has launched a kid ‘s coding program in China & Singapore, USA, Japan . Since March 2020, we have taught students from the several countries, such as China, Singapore, and New Zealand .USA, Frence, Japan. The small group classes give kids the opportunity to communicate and learn with each other and still get the attention they need to learn. Our students are smart, talented, and have incredible achievements in different world competitions. A student in the Python Class, Grace Kelsangmetog Cai (14 years old) from Boston, USA, was a 2019 International Figure Skating TOI Champion and won First place for the 2020 North America Youth Talent Competition traditional instruments category. Grace has also won the 2020 World Olympic Math Competition Gold Pin by finishing in the top 2%. A student Jacob (14 years old) from New York, is a Hoops Basketball team player, and potential NBA Basketball candidate, who studies Python in our classes. Grein (9 years old) learns Scratch, and he is the 2019 Piano Champion in China. Bryant is golf player in Boston who has wined few awards in Boston Area Golf Competitions. Some other kids are little pianist or little artist.
The students understand how learning coding can help them develop creative skills and improve them to resolve complex issues.
See En
9 Years old ( Singapore)
Python Beginner,Intermediate, Advanced
Heading 5

8 Years old ( Singapore )

9 Years old ( Seattle, USA )

Scratch Beginner & Intermediate Class

9 Years old ( Beijing, China )

9 Years old ( Singapore )
9 Years old ( Beijing, China )

9 Years old ( Boston )
See Enn 9 years old ( SIngapore )
8 Years old ( Singapore )
See En
9 Years old ( Singapore)

8 Years old ( Singapore)

8 Years old ( Singapore)
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
See Enn 9 years old
( Singapore )
Java Beginner Class